Bureau Meeting 2019 vom 05.04.2019 bis 08.04.2019 (= 4 Tage)

Youth hostel Mannheim, Rheinpromenade 21, 68163 Mannheim (Germany)
(Google Maps)
05.04.2019 - 08.04.2019 (= 4 Tage)
Abmeldeschluss: 03.04.2019
We are glad that you would like to register. Our register system only supperts the german version for your personal data. 
Please fill in every line that is signed by an red little star. Here are some helpful information, to complete your personal data correctly.

First Window
- please klick this button: "Ich bin ein extern Teilnehmer ohne Login Kennung" = "I am an external participant without login ID"

Next window:
- Anrede = salutation (choose Herr = Sir, Frau = Mrs, Herr*Frau = inter, Familie = Family)
- Vorname = first name
- Nachname = surname
- Straße = street + number
- PLZ = postcode
- Ort = city
- Land = country

jetzt anmelden = registrate now

If your registration was successfully, you well get an email with your personal data and some information like this
"Sehr geehrte XX, " = Dear Mrs./Sir,
" Sie erhalten hiermit die Bestätigung Ihrer Anmeldung zu folgender Veranstaltung: Bureau Meeting 2019" = "You will receive the confirmation of your registration for the following event: Bureau Meeting 2019"
"Teilnehmer: XX" = "member: your name"
"Ort" = country : Youth hostel Mannheim, Rheinpromenade 21, 68163 Mannheim (Germany)
"Datum" = date : 05.04.2019 bis 08.04.2019 (4 Tage)
"Zeit: Beginn" = Time: Start": 18:00 am 05.04.2019, "Ende" = End: 11:00 am 08.04.2019

"Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie im Internet:" = futher information can be found on the internet: Weitere Informationen
"Änderung der Anmeldung oder Abmeldung:" = Change of registration or deregistration: Änderung/Abmeldung

f you don´t get any confirmation by mail please check your spam folder or contact us by bundesstelle@kjg.de
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